The primary charter of duty is to establish a strong technology base and to strive towards achieving excellence in order to meet the laid down vision & mission objectives. Further, the establishment is responsible for:
- Development of Combat Engineering, Field Defence and NBC Collective Protection applications. The establishment shall also work on development of Composite-based products, MEMS, Robotics and Unmanned Systems and systems related to Low-intensity Conflict Operations. Besides, the establishment is to continue development of Launch systems and associated Ground System Equipment for Strategic and Tactical Systems for various DRDO Projectsand Programmes.
- Establish fruitful partnership with industry and academia for developing and delivering state-of-the-art equipment / systems to defence services and pass on its spin-offs and benefits to other sectors of economy.
- Adopt and maintain high quality standards and follow it in letter and spirit. ISO 9001:2015 Certification has been awarded to the establishment for Quality Management Standard.