
Project proposal to be submitted in short proposal format to the Member Secretary, NRBas per the thrust areas of NRB. Proposal will be sent to the concerned naval lab by the NRB officewith intimation to the Panel Chairman. If naval lab (NMRL, NSTL, NPOL & DMRL) shows some interest in the proposal, then only PI needs to submit detailed proposal to NRB and PI will be called by the Panel Chairman to present the project proposal in the appropriate panel to get the recommendation for approval. Once project is approved, hard copy of the detailed proposalto be submitted by the PI to the NRB office (in the specified format) through their institutions for financial sanction from the Competent Authority in DRDO HQ.

Short Proposal Format (restricted to maximum 2 Pages only)

  • Project Name: Institution Name: PI & Co-PI Name:
  • Technical Brief on the proposed Project
  • Deliverables & Outcome of the Project (Technology, Prototype, Algorithms, Software etc.)
  • Thrust area and relevance with Naval Labs

Detailed Proposal- As per ER&RB format ER &IPR website

Who May Submit

Grants are offered to IITs, Universities, Colleges, Departments, Laboratories approved Research Institutes, eminent scientists working in reputed R&D Organizations/ Institutes with well-established R&D facilities, Government and non-Government sector etc.

Where / Whom to Submit

Member Secretary Naval Research Board (NRB)
Room No. 410, 4th Floor, DRDO HQrs Annexe,
Old LASTEC Building, Metcalfe House Complex
Delhi - 110054

Tele Office: 011- 23818139
Fax No :
Mail: dnrdoff[dot]hqr[at]gov[dot]in

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