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Fire Fighting

Technology CategoryTechnology Development TaskLab
AI/ML TechnologyModel and tool for assessment of environmental impacts of fireCFEES
Automatic Fire DetectionFire Protection System for Surveillance AircraftCFEES
CoatingsFire Retardant and Conducting Polymeric Coatings and AdhesivesDMSRDE
Fire ExtinguisherCondensed aerosol based fire extinguishing systemCFEES
Magazine Sprinkling Systems to protect the magazines from an external fire and extinguish incipient fires within the magazinesCFEES
New Generation Halon AlternativesCFEES
Short-Chain Fluorosurfactants  Based Eco-Friendly Fire Fighting FoamCFEES
Water Mist Technology for fire fighting in Naval ShipsCFEES
Fire Fighter FootwearFootwear for firefightersCFEES
Fire Fighter GlovesGloves with different level of protection for fire fighterCFEES
Fire Fighter HelmetsHelmets for Fire FightersCFEES
Fire Proximity SuitFire proximity Suit layers & fabrication of suitCFEES
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